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The Stolen Mandate of Shomolu Ward Congress

First Bank Nigeria

It was leant that Alhaji R.K. Mustapha on the 4th of April 2014 the eve of the ward congress Friday had earlier in the day collected elections RESULT SHEETS from ACME meant for 5th of April 2014 ward Congress to be used in favour of their group to write an already prepared results led by Barrister Ademorin Kuye the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs in the cabinet of Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN).
Please kindly note that the following names are officers from surulere Local Government, whom were meant to conduct the exercise at Shomolu Local Govt.
These are the following names:
Note that from the list of 5 names only Mr. Hakeem Gusu Dawodu attended the training exercise.
At this junction Barrister Sodiq who is also an interim state officer had colluded with Alhaji Mustapha and Barrister Ademorin Kuye to inform them that 2  names should be forwarded to replace the names of MR. MORUFU OROPO and ALHAJI ADEYEMI who were originally in the list of 5 for exercise.
MR. MORUFU OROPO was replaced and impersonated by one Mr. Okereke Kenneth and Alhaji Adeyemi was also replaced and impersonated by someone whose name cannot be confirmed as at this report whom both are wanted by the Nigerian Police.
Mr. Hakeem Gusu Dawodu who was the only one that attended the training exercise  was driven to peaceland Hotel Sabo, Yaba by one Mr. Ladi Omifare a P.A. to Mr. Ademorin Kuye on friday from the party secretariat ACME. It was at this point that Barrister Kuye gave out N100,000.00 to Mr. Dawodu and Alhaji R.k. Mustapha collected N30,000.00 out of the said amount as part of his share.
The forged results by Alhaji R.K. Mustapha and Barrister Ademorin Kuye was written in the office of Barrister Sodiq at the party secretariat, ACME in the midnight on Saturday. Note that the principal agent and mastermind who’s power and influenced was used to perpetrate this unholy act is an interim state officer name MR. KOLA PREGNINO. Apart from the aforementioned names who were all parties to the writing and submission of this fake results the following were also co-culprits – Chief Ajayi, Alhaji Ola Shehu, Mr. Matiluko, Hon, Lawal, Mr. Layo Benson and one Mr. Sule Jubril a.k.a Minister.
Mr. Hakeem Gusu Dawodu following a hint was invited by the officers of Onipanu police station where he has given some useful information into how all arrangement was made. There are so much evidence to back up his information.
Barrister Sodiq since he had gotten wind of the invitation by the police quickly advised Barrister Kuye on Sunday 6th of April 2014 that he should come up with a petition against the original results submitted by using Mr. Okereke Kenneth whom they brought to impersonate Mr. Morufu Oropo as a reason to cancel the original results submitted earlier.
It is very evident that Barrister Kuye Ademorin and Alhaji Mustapha led group are very desperate to use all crude means to falsify the last APC Ward Congress election results held on the 5th of April 2014 in Shomolu Local Government.
That Mr. Hakeem Gusu Dawodu has been invited by the police and he has given useful information in the investigation of the impersonation of two members that were drafted into the committee of 5 to work with him as directed by Barrister Kuye Ademorin, Alhaji Mustapha, Barrister Sodiq and Mr. Kola Peregrino.
That the ward Congresses held on 5th April 2014 conducted in 8 wards of Shomolu Local Government was peacefully conducted and the turnout was very high in the presence of the law enforcement agent particularly the Nigeria Police stationed to monitor the exercise at various wards.
That the people who came out in thousands to take part in this peaceful exercise shall by all means resist any attempt to steal mandate without violence. Zambia shall be free quote by president Kenneth Kaunda ”that you can win your enemies through ways of your thinking and not by violence”
We have all evidences to back up our claims and  prove it beyond reasonable doubt e.g. video etc. The above is the true position of just concluded ward congresses of the APC in Shomolu Local Government that was held on the 5th of April 2014. We await justice.
The Shomolite have spoken. ‘APC Change in every society there is always a Judas.
Please continue to vote APC.

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